Use LiveFlow for Checklist Automation, Standard Operating Procedures, Troubleshooting Flowcharts...

LiveFlow is a web based software tool for flowchart drawing, scheduling and running. In LiveFlow, flowcharts can be grouped in folders and found easily by search engine. Any LiveFlow user can execute flowchart if it is a public flowchart. It can also be assigned and scheduled to another person or subordinate. Liveflow has a comprehensive scheduling capability. Notifications before and after the schedule date can also be defined.

Scheduler or flowchart owner can re-play the flowchart execution after task owner completed the execution of the flow. While replaying, scheduler or flowchart owner can see the notes and uploaded documents in flowchart execution. Example areas of LiveFlow use can be Checklist Management, Process Management, Troubleshooting, Diagnostics and Audit Operations.

Checklist Flowchart

Checklist is a very important tool to reduce failure rate. Checklists can be prepared as flowchart-based procedures in order to avoid duplicating steps for different conditions.

Checklists flowcharts can be created in LiveFlow, grouped in folders, scheduled and assigned to someone periodically. Notification options of LiveFlow will help checklist flowcharts to be run on time. The more often checklists are carried out, the fewer problems will occur in your business processes. In LiveFlow, checklist flowchart execution done in the past can be viewed and past information about checklist steps can be listed.

Checklists can be classified into two types: on-demand and periodic checklists. A checklist flowchart is executed whenever needed or it is scheduled periodically. In the first case, checklist flowcharts can be searched in the LiveFlow database easily and run immediately. For periodic checklists, a checklist flowchart can be scheduled and assigned to anyone with a pre-defined period.

LiveFlow provides broad capabilities to both types of checklists. It has efficient search engine in which any word in all titles or step definitions of checklist flowchart can be searched or excluded. LiveFlow enables flowcharts to be private or public. If a checklist flowchart is public, any LiveFlow user can search and execute flowchart. By default flowcharts are private to the owner, and only people, who are assigned to run, can execute flowchart.

LiveFlow has advanced scheduling capabilities. Checklist flowchart can be assigned to a subordinate in the company or any e-mail address even its owner is not a LiveFlow user. This assignment has also scheduling options. Scheduler may assign a Checklist flowchart to someone for only once or as a continual process until the end time defined in LiveFlow. Scheduling includes intervals or business day logic according to user defined holidays.

Checklist flowchart can be assigned to any e-mail address and run by assigned person without even registering to LiveFlow. LiveFlow will notify users to run the Checklist flowchart via e-mails and users can execute flowchart by only clicking the link sent in the mail body. When Checklist flowchart execution is completed, scheduler is notified and can replay the flowchart execution steps.

Steps to manage checklists with LiveFlow
* Draw checklist flowchart
* If checklist is for yourself, execute flowchart whenever needed * Assign and schedule checklist flowchart to an employee or an e-mail address
* Set notification properties for checklist flowchart to notify user and scheduler for each schedule
User will get notified to execute flowchart
Scheduler will get notified if user did not execute flowchart on time
* Scheduler can see Completed and Open Schedules for checklist flowchart
Scheduler can see all instances for a schedule of checklist flowchart execution.
Examples of LiveFlow checklists:

• Capacity Planning Checklist Flowcharts
• Security Checklist Flowcharts
• Operations Checklist Flowcharts
• Crisis Checklist Flowcharts
• Disaster Recovery Checklist Flowcharts
• Inspection Checklist Flowcharts
• Maintenance Checklist Flowcharts

Standard Operating Procedures Flowchart

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Work Instructions (WI) are essential documents to do the jobs correctly, safely and efficiently. Doing the job without following a procedure can be error-prone even in the basic jobs. Some regulations require to have written, up-to-date procedures. Generally, regulatory auditors make sure to see that the required procedures are followed indeed.

Job procedures are mostly composed of generic routines that include conditional or optional steps. So, it is convenient to use flowcharts for the procedures.

LiveFlow can be used to create job procedures. Procedures can be grouped in folders, shared in the enterprise, searched by any word. By this method, actual jobs can be done using the procedures. Employees can execute flowchart easily by clicking the flowchart link. To execute flowchart, employees do not need to register to LiveFlow if Standard Operating Procedures Flowchart is flagged as public. IP Address range can be set for public flowcharts restricting to execute flowcharts. If Standard Operating Procedures Flowchart is not public flowchart, employee need to have joined to the company of flowchart owner to execute flowchart. All procedures can be imported to classical job procedures with one-click in LiveFlow.

SOP / WI Flowchart Execution in LiveFlow is as easy as clicking a link in your browser. So, LiveFlow may be integrated very easily with incident or problem management tools.

Reports can be generated with flowchart execution data ,which can be exported to the local storage, for how many times a job procedure is run, which branches in a job procedure are run mostly or never used. Flowchart execution data will be the best records to show that job procedures are actually used in an audit executed by regulatory.

LiveFlow can export the job procedure flowcharts to MS Word documents easily. The word documents will have all the flow logic with branches to steps. So, traditional documentation will be ready as well, without any effort.

Existing job procedures can be imported to LiveFlow from Excel, Word or text files. LiveFlow will have sequential steps (automatically sets Decision element for lines containing “?” Mark ). These sequential steps can be organized and branches can be set up easily in LiveFlow.

Troubleshooting Flowchart

Troubleshooting process is generally defined by flowcharts. If a special software is not prepared, these flowcharts are followed manually. If a troubleshooting flowchart is too much complicated then manual follow-up of the steps will be difficult.

LiveFlow can be used for troubleshooting flowchart execution.

With LiveFlow, product owners, can draw troubleshooting flowchart easily, make it public, put flowchart execution link in the product web site. Then, they can redirect their users from their support web pages to LiveFlow to execute troubleshooting flowchart without having to login to LiveFlow. They can put return URL in the link as the product web site, so that users can re-direct back to their sites after flowchart execution. Users run product-specific troubleshooting flowchart, navigate on the steps and reach the right solution for that product. With LiveFlow flowchart execution data, reports can be provided about what types of problems are encountered and which solution branches in the troubleshooting flowchart are mostly used.

LiveFlow can be used inside an enterprise to reduce workload of the help desk or support departments. Troubleshooting flowcharts are gathered in LiveFlow and users are asked to execute flowchart before opening a support ticket. Some problems will be solved by users with the use of LiveFlow flowchart execution. Even if users can not solve the problem by using troubleshooting flowchart, they can provide more accurate input about the problem to the support teams.

Steps for using LiveFlow for Troubleshooting Flowchart
* Prepare troubleshooting flowchart * Gather troubleshooting flowcharts in related folders * Put frequently used troubleshooting flowcharts in your Favorites page * Execute flowchart when the related problem occurs * If you want other people to execute troubleshooting flowchart without registering LiveFlow * Make public execution flag for the troubleshooting flowchart * Share troubleshooting flowchart link to people or put the link in a web page * Let other people execute flowchart by clicking the link * If you want, you can set return URL in the link, then people who execute flowchart will redirect back to any site you gave. * Export troubleshooting flowchart execution data and generate any report you want

Diagnostics Flowchart

Human brain is not a deterministic system since it has a lot of distractions while judging a case. So, if many probabilities are involved in a decision, the decision process should be automated programmatically. If a flow diagram is best for defining a decision process, LiveFlow can be used very efficiently to follow decision steps.

For example, when doctors make a diagnosis, they have to consider the symptoms, patients’ complaints and result of physical examination. With all these inputs, they can reach a diagnosis. Actually, doctors evaluate a diagnosis flowchart in their minds. If such a diagnosis flowchart is run in mind, failure rate in that will be high. If the flowchart is documented and followed during diagnosis, the result will be correct almost every time.

Users can execute flowcharts efficiently from smartphones and tablets using android and IOS operating systems. So, people who are making critical decisions can execute flowcharts on site. With this method, failure rate in decisions will be much lower. Decision makers can later see why they reached the decision by replaying the flowchart execution.

Examples of LiveFlow usage in Diagnostics:

• Medical Diagnoses
• Legal Cases
• Financial Decisions

Audit Flowchart

Auditors generally have sets of flowchart based checklists. LiveFlow flowcharts can be used by auditors to collect information about the audited company. With LiveFlow, auditors’ managers can distribute checklists to more than one auditor and can see the filled checklists online. Auditors can also ask audited people to fill checklists by assigning them flowcharts in LiveFlow.

In liveFlow, during run of the checklists; notes, documents or images can be uploaded to relevant steps. Flow owner can see these documents online and they will be archived adequately.

With LiveFlow, checklist sets can be grouped in folders and a folder can be assigned to an auditor. In this case, all checklists in the folder will be scheduled and tracked for completion easily.

Simple LiveFlow Usage

Any document which is better defined by flowcharts is subject to flowchart execution in LiveFlow.
For simple uses of LiveFlow are as follows:
  Draw flowchart, execute flowchart whenever needed ( Diagnostics Flowchart , Troubleshooting Flowchart , Audit Flowchart , Standard Operating Procedures Flowchart , Work Instruction Flowchart)
  Draw flowchart, flag it as public, put flowchart execution link in your web site, let anyone can execute flowchart whenever needed ( Diagnostics Flowchart , Troubleshooting Flowchart ,Standard Operating Procedures Flowchart , Work Instruction Flowchart )
  Restrict flowchart execution for a list of IP address ranges and let people in these ranges can execute flowchart ( Diagnostics Flowchart , Troubleshooting Flowchart , Standard Operating Procedures Flowchart , Work Instruction Flowchart)
  Draw flowchart, assign to the task owner, schedule for flowchart execution dates ( Checklist Flowchart , Standard Operating Procedures Flowchart , Work Instruction Flowchart )
   Let task owner execute flowchart for every schedule date
   Get notified if flowchart execution is not carried out in time

More information about LiveFlow use in Troubleshooting Flowchart.

More information about Interactive Flowcharts.

More information about LiveFlow use in managing Checklist Flowcharts.

More information about LiveFlow use in Standard Operating Procedures / Work Instructions.

More information about LiveFlow use in Audit Flowcharts.

More information about LiveFlow use in Diagnostics Flowcharts.

More information about Scheduling Flowchart.